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Calving supplies
With calving just around the corner we are stocked up on all the necessities that you will need including milk replacer, colostrum, calf tags and much more.
Salt and Mineral
Wind and Rain Mineral
White Salt Blocks
White Salt Bags
EDDI Salt Block
EDDI Salt Bag
OB gloves and Straps
Weaver OB Nylon 60" OB strap
30" OB Chain
60" OB Chain
OB Handle
Vet One OB Sleeve
Colostrum and Electrolytes
Just Like Mom
Calves Choice Total
Sx Calf
Kick Start
Milk Replacer
Purina Milk Replacer 25# bag
Purina Milk Replacer 50# bag
Z Tag Calf
Z tag Calf Long Neck
Z Tag Cow
Y Tex Tag Calf One Piece
Y Tex Tag calf Lonestar
Y Tex Tag Calf 3 Star
Y Tex Tag Cow
Fluid Feeders and Bottles
Springer Magrath fluid feeder
Snap on teat nursing bottle
Screw on teat nursing bottle
Peach teat nursing bottle
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